
Laura is a leadership coach, life coach and Chartered Psychologist and she helps mission-driven managers and start-up founders to work smarter and become the leaders they want to be.

Based on her experience with all three, Laura can offer a unique perspective because she is able to look at a situation from all these angles, specifically with mental well-being in mind.

This allows Laura to work especially well in the overlap area, helping leaders and managers with their own confidence, and work-life balance and with the development and support for their teams.

Session Overview

Companies and employers are increasingly recognising the need to consider staff well-being and mental health, but how can they help support their employees or recognise when someone is struggling?

We will look at the cost of poor mental health, explore common triggers, causes, and warning signs of poor mental health in the workplace, and look at what people can do to support their mental health and that of their colleagues. Attendees will walk away with the beginnings of their own Personal Wellbeing Plan and a few ideas of actionable steps to take towards supporting their mental health at work.


  • Burnout/Stress
  • Work-Life Balance
  • Teams
  • Culture and Collaboration
  • Working Smart/Productivity
  • Leadership Confidence
  • Imposter Syndrome

Key Takeaways

  • How to maintain Mental well-being in the workplace
  • Practical ways to achieve a healthy work-life balance
  • Q&A

We can work with you to choose the best options for your organisation.

All costs include all materials delivered to your preferred address, all admin and tailoring costs, a basic feedback report form (generated from MHFA (England) digital feedback, additional resource emails, and expert trainers.

*(Please note these prices are a guide only) 

Please enquire about a bespoke package for your team

The Wellbeing Agency

Personal Development Coach