
Session Overview

Still considered taboo in most workplaces, this seminar aims to educate women on their menstrual cycle (not just their period!)

We focus on how women can work, live and rest in better alignment with their changing hormones throughout the month and empower them to embrace this second biological cycle rather than hide it away and struggle. It covers common reproductive challenges that can cause significant absenteeism and distress in women aged 20-40 (and which affect 3 in 10 women!)

For women to feel heard and supported, we need to bring men into the conversation. As fathers, husbands, partners and brothers, the more they understand about the phases of the female cycle, the more empowered and aware they become to support the women in their lives and reduce the stigma and embarrassment still attached to this topic.

Key Takeaways

  • Understand what a healthy cycle looks like, and the pattern your hormones follow each month
  • Common cycle-related issues and how to spot these
  • What is and isn't normal when it comes to PMS
  • Get savvy with tracking your cycle


Webinars are usually an hour (40-45 mins of information followed by Q&A)

In-person can be from 1 hour to half a day, depending on the scope of the session (ie. a half day on all aspects of perimenopause including practical activities, breathwork, journalling as well as the talk and questions)

20 max headcount for an in-person for people to get the benefit

Prep does come into the price; so sessions that need more prep (ie. handouts, activity planning) need more "out of session" time. A half-day workshop would generally be around £600.

About the Coach

Lucy is a Registered Nutritional Therapist and Female Health Specialist. Her passion is in all aspects of women’s health and hormone-related conditions. She is a mother to two young girls (two and four) and is very aware personally of how much of a role hormones play on overall female health and wellbeing.

She works one-on-one with women looking for hormone support, whether that be on their fertility journey, managing conditions such as PCOS and endometriosis, or as they enter perimenopause. Her approach goes far beyond just nutrition support,; she incorporates working on mindset, self-talk, sleep, stress management and purpose alongside developing simple, practical and easy-to-follow food plans for her clients.

The Wellbeing Agency

Changing Hormones and the Menstrual Cycle