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Here is a service listing for Sarah Bryer of Show Girl Coaching, highlighting her variety of customisable courses and talks:

Show Girl Coaching with Sarah Bryer

Unlock the potential of your team and elevate your workplace with Sarah Bryer's transformative coaching services. With a wide range of workshops, "Lunch & Learn" sessions, and speaking engagements, Sarah offers tailored solutions to meet the unique needs of your company.


All workshops can be customised and broken down into bitesize one-hour sessions, ideal for busy teams. Choose from a variety of topics including:

  1. Powering Ahead: Resilience for a Better Life

Learn to navigate workplace challenges with resilience, focusing on six core principles for personal and professional growth.

  1. Plans That Stick: Goal Setting

Discover practical strategies to set and achieve meaningful business goals.

  1. Empowered Connections: Enhancing Communication Skills

Develop key communication skills such as active listening, effective feedback, and conflict resolution to build stronger teams and relationships.

  1. Building the Leaders of Tomorrow: Leadership Development

Cultivate essential leadership skills including decision-making, problem-solving, and motivating others to guide your team to success.

  1. Emotional Intelligence: Unlocking the Power of Strong Relationships

Improve self-awareness, empathy, and social skills to enhance workplace dynamics.

  1. Building Bridges: Effective Conflict Resolution

Master communication, empathy, and negotiation to resolve conflicts successfully.

  1. Powerful Solutions: Problem Solving

Enhance analytical thinking, creativity, and decision-making skills to tackle any challenge.

  1. Thriving Beyond Limits: Stress Management

Learn actionable strategies for managing stress, building resilience, and promoting well-being.

  1. Employability Skills: Outplacement & Career Progression

Prepare your team for internal promotions or external job opportunities with comprehensive job hunting, CV writing, and interview skills training.

  1. Back to Work: Returning from Maternity Leave

Support employees returning from maternity leave with guidance on navigating new values, understanding company policies, and regaining confidence.

Speaking Engagements

Sarah offers inspirational speaking sessions on topics such as:

  1. Resilience: How Cancer Didn’t Kill Us
  2. Boundaries: How Mastering My Boundaries Changed Everything
  3. Goal Setting: Finding Joy
  4. Helping Introverts Thrive: Ideal for Introverts and Their Managers
  5. Developing and Building Confidence
  6. Working Women: The Motherload

Customisable Experiences

Every course and talk can be tailored to suit your organisation's specific needs, ensuring the best fit for your team.

Get in Touch

For more information or to book a session, contact Clara:

[email protected]

Sarah Bryer

Showgirl Coaching with Sarah Bryer